One more time for the Womankind

I truly believe this quote.  After finding myself almost ranting about women being oppressed at least twice in the past week, I feel the need to put this out here.  I am not a militant feminist or anything, I do not think any woman needs to be, we carry all of the power without so much as a raised hand or a voice above a whisper.

One of the things that made me think of this are the Ecards I often see on social networking sites like Facebook.  The cards with a picture of a women and it says something like – I am strong, I speak my mind, I am intelligent, etc “if that makes me a bitch so what”.  I often times find myself thinking, why does that make you a bitch?  Maybe you are just a bitch, because I am all of those things and I am not a bitch.  Ok, enough about that I have used that word too many times, on to the next item.

It is Women’s History Month

I often think of all of the women who have influenced me in my life; and the list is a long one.  Today I am going to pay tribute to as many of these women as I can, I am going to list them and a brief note on why they have influenced me or inspired me.  I am listing just first names, and hope that any who read this will know who they are.

We should all take inventory of those around us who bring good into our lives, these are the people we want to be with, or at the very least always remember.

Mary Ann – for being strong, whatever the reason or situation

Caitlin – for her courage and conviction; never has someone so stubborn been so beautiful

April – for being true to herself; every aspect of you is amazing

Jennifer W – for her butterfly like transformation to a beautiful young lady I am excited to know

Lurie – for being there at a time when I really needed her and for letting me back in after my less than graceful exit

Jennifer M – for being the most dynamic women I have ever met, for being the primary reason I decided to take my life and my health back into my control

Liz – for showing me that virtual strangers (or in this case “virtual” friends) can bring joy to your life and keep you going when you want to quit

Kelly – for being the keeper of at least one-third of my sanity, she is one of the two reasons I believe that people come into your life for a reason, there are no accidental meetings.  Without her I would not be complete

Colleen – for being the keeper of at least one-third of my sanity, she is the other of the two reasons I believe that people come into your life for a reason.  Without her I would not be complete.  I miss her every day and do not reach out to her enough

Jill – for showing me that being yourself is empowering; I like my life more because I crossed paths with her

Pam – real and refreshing and committed to doing good The Mother Teresa of New Jersey, the world needs many more of her

Shannon – she taught me so much, things I will realize in moments of clarity for years to come.  I am better for knowing her

Dawn – old friends are the best friends; and humor should never be underestimated in its ability to inspire.

Patsy – she taught me that being a friend means being a friend through thick and thin and that blood is NOT always thicker than water. Love you like a sister

Tia – I love her faith, she inspires me every day with her words and probably does not even know it

Stella – her gentle presence in my life was not as appreciated as it should have been.

There are so many more; moments that I refer to in my life randomly to make better decisions.  During Women’s History Month, and throughout the year, think about the women in your life that have a positive influence on you or have inspired you to do good.  Keep those women close at hand in your mind and in your heart.


4 thoughts on “One more time for the Womankind

  1. I think you’re right, and this fact was brought home for me today…I lead a support group for people who live with/care for depressed people. It happens to be all women, perhaps because women are strong enough to admit to their struggles. The stories we each have about the difficulty of our lives and the heavy burdens we carry four our families and our husbands reinforced to me that women are in many ways much stronger than men.

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