Fear The Vince


Day Two – This is Day Two of the 21-day commitment to workout every day, blog every day, and eat right every day.  See how this “It takes 21-days to form a habit” is going to work for me.

Today was my second day of this commitment and my third boot camp class.  Here is the thing about boot camp, it does not get easier.  You just push yourself harder the more you do it, and some weeks the instructor may be feeling a little more bold than other weeks.

Less than a week ago I discovered a boot camp facility had opened near my home, this is something I have always wanted to try, but really with my commitment issues and all, I knew I would not drive across the city to get to one, so the new Body Evolution location is perfect!

My first class was tough, it was Saturday morning, and by Sunday morning sitting on anything lower than a bar stool was PAINFUL.  But that is the way it is supposed to be, right?  So, I went back for more on Monday, that proved beyond a reasonable doubt that even though I hated Fifty Shades of Grey, at least a tiny part of me is a masochist.

My first two classes were tough, the instructor was a very nice young man, but that does not mean he was easy.  At the end of my second class someone asked me if I had ever worked with Vince, well naturally I said no since my first two classes were with the same person.  Then I got one of the “WELL, wait until you have Vince.” grand statements.  I thought, “not sure I ever want to meet Vince”.

Tonight I go again, this time my daughter went with me, it was her first night, I spent the ride over teaching her to fear The Vince.  Guess who was our instructor tonight?  That is right, Vince.

He introduces himself, he is very nice, almost mild, and very kind to my daughter when he knew it was her first visit.  He does not look scary, and how could someone so kind and gentle be a tough instructor?

Ha! Kind and mild-mannered Vince had me sweating like a…well lets just say I was sweating a lot.  And he was not merciful, but he was also not mean, and he was helpful.  I have been really enjoying the boot camp classes, it includes folks of all different fitness levels and I do not feel intimidated even when I am the last one back from a run and Vince still makes me do a rotation of 30 squats :).


Tomorrow morning, 30-minute run, which after today seems like a piece of cake.  Speaking of cake, I did well with my eating today, tracking points with Weight Watchers, and so far so good.

Until tomorrow…

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